Category: Motor Vehicle Accidents

  • Who is liable for a semi-truck crash in Pennsylvania?

    People’s actions in the first moments after a motor vehicle collision occurs often focus on establishing fault for the crash. Either of the drivers involved may have done something that caused the collision. The party to blame for the crash often has financial and legal culpability for the aftermath of the collision. It is therefore…

  • Strict and sometimes unrealistic trucking deadlines are dangerous

    Tight deadlines are a critical concern in the transportation and logistics industry. The pressure to meet these deadlines can lead to a cascade of risky behaviors and decisions by trucking companies and the drivers they employ, ultimately compromising road safety. Understanding these dynamics involves grasping how the demand for efficiency and quick delivery times can…

  • 3 types of distraction drivers may not realize are a safety risk

    Most drivers are broadly aware of how dangerous distraction can be, and they may consistently avoid handling mobile devices while driving because of that risk. Those who get caught texting while driving could face a variety of consequences, including a citation issued by a police officer if they get caught in the act. They could…

  • A first-shift job means commuting when the roads are risky

    A large percentage of successful professionals work a standard first-shift schedule. They report to the office five days a week in the morning and head home in the late afternoon. Their job helps them support their family and might also provide them with benefits including health insurance and paid leave. The first-shift schedule can seem…

  • Who pays for a pedestrian’s crash-related injuries in Pennsylvania?

    Pedestrians save money by walking where they want to go instead of paying to fuel a vehicle. They can also get exercise that is overall good for their health. However, if they walk somewhere where they are close to vehicles, such as on the shoulder of a rural road or on an urban sidewalk where…

  • The relationship between speed and crash injuries

    You may experience a number of injuries after being involved in a motor vehicle accident while traveling in Pennsylvania, and this is true regardless of the severity of the crash. However, as a general rule, the faster a vehicle is traveling at impact, the greater the risk of serious injuries. Higher speeds create more energy…

  • The most dangerous car accident types

    Car accidents are a leading cause of injury and death in Pennsylvania, and some types of accidents are more deadly than others. Knowing the most fatal types of car accidents and what causes them can help motorists stay safe on the road. Head-on collisions Head-on collisions occur when two vehicles traveling in opposite directions collide…

  • Breaking down driving in rain vs. in snow

    Most Pennsylvania drivers are used to traveling in a variety of weather conditions. Rain and snow rate as two of the most challenging and dangerous. This is a breakdown of how driving in both compares. Rain and snow both cause slippery roads Rain and snow both cause the roads to become wet and can easily…

  • Car crashes are a leading cause of traumatic brain injuries

    Traumatic brain injuries kill or disable thousands of people each year in Pennsylvania and around the country, and many of them suffered them in serious motor vehicle accidents. Most head injuries suffered in car accidents are closed brain injuries, which means no object actually penetrated the skull. These injuries are not always immediately apparent, and…

  • Teen drivers at risk

    Upon reaching the age of 16, many teenagers will apply for driver’s licenses in Pennsylvania. Teen drivers certainly don’t wish to cause accidents, but collisions happen when a young, inexperienced driver does not react properly to avoid a crash. Teens and their parents may benefit from understanding why accident risks are so high for younger…